How to Upload Movies From Mac to Ipad

Things for iPhone, iPad, and Mac review

Things is a detailed task director by Cultured Lawmaking that will aid you organize your very busy life. Things isn't merely a simple to-do list, it's a serious "get things done" (GTD) tool that allows you to create projects, each with their ain set of tasks, assign tags and specific areas, and much, much more. With versions for iPhone, iPad, and Mac, and a sophisticated syncing service called Things Deject, you tin can keep and update all your projects and tasks wherever y'all get.

I of the great features of Things is that the interface is very consistent beyond all devices. Jumping from your Mac, to your iPhone, to your iPad is completely seamless and natural.

Every day, Things will present you with a listing of items that it believes you need to go done so that you tin ostend that they should exist on your "Today" listing. If you want to push button the due date back on an item, but cull to offset later.

To employ Things to it'due south fullest capabilities, you must invest a little time organizing list items by tagging them, moving them to an area (like a category), set upwardly recurring to-dos, and adding notes. Simply there'due south no denying that sometimes you just want to quickly add something to your list without going through a long, drawn-out process (because fifty-fifty thirty seconds can feel like a long time when you're in a bustle), and that'southward exactly what your Inbox is for. The Inbox is where you put to-dos that y'all're non ready to organize, yet.

On the Mac, you can also setup shortcuts for Quick Entry that will open up a window to add together a new task regardless of which app you're currently using. If yous download Things Helper, you lot tin can upgrade the Quick Entry with an Autofill characteristic that volition automatically add useful information from the app y'all're currently using. For example, with Mail, information technology will create a link to the email y'all're reading and re-create any text you've selected.

When you are set to organize, each to-do can exist assigned tags and an area. An area is a user-defined category that makes it easy for you to sort for something specifically related to, say, work, family, or errands.

Things besides includes a unlike way to organize, and that'south with Projects. A project is a task that involves subtasks in club to exist complete. This is great for work projects, putting together a job awarding, planning a vacation or event, and more. You can assign a due date to each project also equally to each individual task.

One of the really bang-up features included with Things is Things Cloud. Things Cloud is how you'll go along all your devices in sync, and it'due south super fast, very reliable, and included in the price of the apps.

The good

  • Today, Side by side, Scheduled, and Someday lists
  • Categorize with Areas
  • Tags
  • Quickly add tasks to Inbox
  • Shortcut for Quick Entry on Mac
  • Link with one listing from Apple Reminders
  • Things Cloud is super fast

The bad

  • Can't change a scheduled to-do to a recurring one. Have to delete and select recurring from the start.
  • Even though an area tin can exist tagged, it won'y automatically add to-dos with that tag. For instance, if I add "go grocery shopping" and tag it with "Errand". Information technology won't automatically movement to the "Errands" area. The could be a corking time-saving feature.
  • Would be peachy to be able to assign a photograph to a task
  • Can simply sync with 1 Reminders list
  • No alarms

The bottom line

If you lot're looking for a simple to-do list app, Things is not for you. Only if y'all're in need of powerhouse task management system that supports detailed projects, tags, categories, and more, Things may be exactly what y'all need. The price can be a little off-putting, so Cultured Code has a 14 Day complimentary trial for the Mac version so you tin can requite it a good spin earlier taking the plunge. For those of us with super busy lives who aren't blessed with a focused, organized brain, Things is totally worth the price.

  • $9.99 for iPhone - Download now
  • $19.99 for iPad - Download now
  • $49.99 for Mac - Download now

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